John Strong

PornStar John Strong UA

Bio: John Strong was born as little Yury in the Slavic chick-haven known as Ukraine, he always fantasized about living in the American fast lane. The things that held John’s fixation were: sweet pussies, fat tits, and juicy asses. John must’ve tamed a lot of hungry vaginas in his hometown with his thick, endurable man-stick. has been getting so balls-deep in pussy and ass that his cock-head has been developing tunnel vision. John knows just how to deliver his babes and bitches into some serious blinding orgasms. With his hard-hitting muscles, his stiff long prick, and his never-ending stamina, even the most seasoned slut will get her innards ripped into the pleasure zone when John goes to town.
País: Ukraine
Aniversário: 09 April, 1969
Visualização total do vídeo: 9M
Vídeos: 212
Categorias: Pau grande

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